Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Configuring a VPN Gateway

A VPN gateway connection relies on multiple resources that are configured with specific settings. Most of the resources can be configured separately, although some resources must be configured in a certain order.

Reference Microsoft Docs


It's important to know that there are different configurations available for VPN gateway connections. You need to determine which configuration best fits your needs. For example, Point-to-Site, Site-to-Site, and coexisting ExpressRoute/Site-to-Site connections all have different instructions and configuration requirements. For information about design and to view connection topology diagrams, see Design.

Planning table

The following table can help you decide the best connectivity option for your solution.

Azure Supported ServicesCloud Services and Virtual MachinesCloud Services and Virtual MachinesServices list
Typical BandwidthsBased on the gateway SKUTypically < 1 Gbps aggregate50 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 200 Mbps, 500 Mbps, 1 Gbps, 2 Gbps, 5 Gbps, 10 Gbps
Protocols SupportedSecure Sockets Tunneling Protocol (SSTP), OpenVPN and IPsecIPsecDirect connection over VLANs, NSP's VPN technologies (MPLS, VPLS,...)
RoutingRouteBased (dynamic)We support PolicyBased (static routing) and RouteBased (dynamic routing VPN)BGP
Connection resiliencyactive-passiveactive-passive or active-activeactive-active
Typical use caseSecure access to Azure virtual networks for remote usersDev / test / lab scenarios and small to medium scale production workloads for cloud services and virtual machinesAccess to all Azure services (validated list), Enterprise-class and mission critical workloads, Backup, Big Data, Azure as a DR site
Technical DocumentationVPN Gateway DocumentationVPN Gateway DocumentationExpressRoute Documentation
FAQVPN Gateway FAQVPN Gateway FAQExpressRoute FAQ